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Install a electric fuel pump method


  Today the production of all vehicles, electric fuel pump to use, because the fuel injection system requires a higher pressure than conventional pumps can. Submerged in the tank fuel pump. Most vehicles, the fuel pump with integrated fuel gauge fuel sending unit. In some trucks, there are two fuel pumps - pump in the fuel tank and a pump under the framework of the driver's seat.
  1 raise and support vehicle on jack stands. Tank leakage low. This can be done most General Motors and Chrysler, the Schraeder valve by removing the fuel line hose long enough to attach into the container of fuel. Jump fuel pump relay fuse relay box, which will maintain the electric fuel pump. This concept in many vehicles, but if it does not apply to you are, here is another way: remove the fuel from the tank under the hose. Into a fuel hose, and drain from there. This is only necessary if there are more than a half tank of fuel. The tank will need to remove the angle?? If there are too many run out of fuel will fill the opening.
  2 screws in the fuel door to open fuel filler door. Remove the return line from the fuel tank filler pipe clamp and relaxation.
  3 Disconnect the fuel pump and fuel level sensor electrical harness. Connectors, either in the rear of the tank or tank driver side. If it happens to be a can not access at this point, do not worry. This will be the tank, the tank comes down, you can delete.
  4 Remove the fuel line at this point, if they are visible on the driver side of the tank. A small number of vehicles and trucks in the tank side fuel line connections visible.
  5 to jack the tank, raising enough to support the fuel tank. Hold-inch padding under unbolt and remove the hose in the tank strap tank out of the tank bolts. Disconnect the fuel tank top-line connection. Disconnect the electric fuel pump electrical connector, and if not already.